Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wood Chips for Free!

We will deliver as many wood chips as needed to anyone who wants them,...for free! Give us a call now to get on our waiting list 582-1286! This link is from the Morton Arboretum Soil Science Laboratory showing research by Bryant Sharenbroch PhD. This is a link to a presentation of a scientific study that shows the superior benefits of using wood chips (mulch) over chemical fertilizers, compost, compost teas and chemical biological products.
   Long story short woods chips significantly increase your trees growth and health and do so at a much lower cost than all the other methods.   Wood chips improve the soils structure and water holding capacity, adds essential nutrients, adds needed beneficial bacteria and fungi and adds the greatest tree growth over all the store bought treatments!! It is also organic, native and reused material. Our wood chips are free so the only cost is your time spreading them around your trees!
   Also, wood chips a great to cover dirt driveways, parking pads to keep dust down and to prevent erosion.  Woods chips are also often required during construction activities and can help reduce soil compaction which can damage your trees root systems.

1 comment:

  1. In fall and winter pruning the trees that need more belligerent contraction or decline can be carefully pruned without worrying about sunburn from the powerful summer sun. Tree Care.
